Non-Fiction Book Recommendations
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I love reading and learning from the wisdom of others in books. Out of the hundreds I’ve read, these nonfiction book recommendations are some of my favorites. They have all taught me valuable lessons and made me a better, more faithful person. They are not listed in any order of significance.
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Anything, by Jennie Allen, is amazing! The challenge is to pray “anything, Lord, anything” and then obey – even when it doesn’t make sense or it’s just plain hard. The stories of people who’ve done that – along with Jennie and her husband – are inspiring. Take a leap of faith into “anything!”
Kisses From Katie is an inspiring story of a typical American teenager who falls in love with Jesus and then with Uganda. Katie lived an “anything” life that inspired Jennie Allen and is pivotal to Jennie’s story in Anything. Imagine what God can do if all His people lived “anything” lives! Let Katie’s life inspire you.
One way to measure how powerful and useful a book is to me is this: if I listen to the audiobook and then buy the physical book – it’s worth every penny and minute! Tactics, by Gregory Koukl, is all about asking great questions as a way of having gospel-focused conversations with unbelievers. GREAT BOOK!
The Best Yes was one of the first Lysa TerKeust books I read. The message of saying “yes” to the things that really matter, even when saying “no” to other things is hard, is one I needed and so many others do as well. It’s one of the books I’ve read more than once!
Finish, by Jon Acuff, had been on my bookshelf for at least 2 years before I read it. I’m sorry I didn’t read it when I first got it. It’s full of great ideas and I find myself going back over highlighted parts frequently. It was recommended by many people, so I’m returning the favor. NOT a Christian book, but still good.
The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson is one of my favorite books on prayer. I’ve read it or listened to the audio version at least three times. I learn something new every time. The companion devotional, Draw the Circle, a 40-day prayer challenge is also on repeat in my life.
Have you ever felt that your life isn’t everything you thought it would be? I have. It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way deals with all the emotions, doubts, and challenges to our faith that those feelings present, but brings hope through it all. Worth reading & rereading!
If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat was the first John Ortberg book I read. While I’ve read others since this is still my favorite. It’s a challenge to quit doing life “safely” and start taking risks in trusting the Lord and doing things that might seem crazy.
Uninvited was written by Lysa TerKeust before It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way. And how God used this book to help her with the situation in that book is part of God’s wonderful story in her life. But mostly, this book will help you learn to let go of rejecting and pain to live a healthy, Christ-honoring life.
The Time Saving Mom was written by the author when she was pregnant, fostering a special needs infant, chasing a toddler, and raising three teenagers! Plus running a large business, nurturing her 20+ year marriage, and making it all look easy. How she makes it all work is spelled out in detail – but is a simple system for anyone. LOVE IT!
Battle for the American Mind by Pete Hegseth was another book I first listened to and then read in print. It’ll open your eyes to why education in the United States is failing so dramatically. And give you ideas about what needs to be done to fix it – and how you can be part of that. It’ll make you angry and move you to action.
Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to our current American society. The author is a former lesbian and gender studies professor. She tackles hard issues such as transgenderism, feminism, gender roles, and faith in a confused culture.
We Will Not Be Silenced is a call to Christians in the United States to be strong in their faith, regardless of what happens in our country. He doesn’t gloss over unbelievers’ legitimate concerns regarding topics like racism, sexism, or poverty. Instead, he shows how faithful believers can meet those challenges and be a strong witness for Christ.
Believers are taught and admonished hundreds of times to “fear not” and also dozens of times to “fear the Lord.” The Awe of God, by John Bevere, explains how the fear of the Lord frees us from all other fears. And what “the fear of the Lord” actually is, what it looks like in daily life, and how to nurture it in your life. Highly recommended.
Sugar is the drug of choice for millions of Americans. I’m one of them. I did my first sugar fast in 2019 and have done one several times since then. The 40-Day Sugar Fast by Wendy Speake is a devotional guide that holds your hand through what can be a very difficult challenge. But the spiritual fruit is worth every effort you make.
Forgiving What You Can’t Forget, by Lysa TerKeust picks up where It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way ends. How do you move past the pain of betrayal? How do you find the ability to forgive? How can you let go and find peace? Lysa addresses these and other issues of anger, resentment, and fear to help you find the healing freedom of forgiveness. Highly recommended.
Lysa TerKeust is one of my favorite authors. Good Boundaries and Goodbyes meets the same high standard as her previous books. It is full of biblical truth, relatable bits of her own story and practical steps for your life. Lysa’s story is painful and full of hard choices, which makes her writing so honest and practical. She doesn’t pretend any of that was easy so guides you gently through your own hard choices.
Just like Lysa TerKeust, Mark Batterson is one of my favorite authors. His trademark storytelling with a strong point that should impact my faith and life makes (almost) everything he writes both biblically sound and practical. I say “almost” because I haven’t read all his books! In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day was one of the first of his books I’ve read. And I’ve reread it twice!
Priscila Shirer is such a great Bible teacher. Fervent was inspired by the movie “War Room” – which I highly recommend. It’s all about praying powerfully and biblically, Topics covered include knowing our enemy, praying for yourself & your family, confronting your shame and guilt, and many more. Prayer is the key to victory and peace in all of these areas.
Mama Bear Apologetics is a MUST-READ book for all parents. Yes, that means Papa Bears too!. It tackles hard cultural issues and the ideas underlying them, such as post-modernism, pluralism, naturalism, and skepticism. The author explains all these simply and applies biblical principles for preparing your kids to combat these lies. A study guide is also available.