Favorite Bible Study Resources
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Over the years I’ve studied the Bible in a wide variety of ways. Below are some of my favorite Bible study resources that have helped me dig deep into God’s Word. Some of them I use constantly while others are just for special studies. I hope you’ll find at least some of them useful to you.
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A great study Bible is the most important tool for Bible study. The Ryrie Study Bible was the first study Bible I owned – the one I used in Bible college and for many years afterward. It’s a solid choice for meaty study.
If I were buying my first study Bible today, I’d probably get the MacArthur Study Bible. I love the in-depth notes and clear explanations provided. There’s enough information here to guide your study for decades!
When I study the Word, I almost always do two things: I write in my Bible and a journal. I’ve used pens and highlighters but have always been disappointed with the bleed-through. So now, all I use in my Bible is a pencil or colored pencils.
Writing in a journal helps me think through what I’m reading and studying so much better than just thinking. I can go back later and review, edit, answer questions, or add more context. Keeping a journal is, in my opinion, essential.
Although I only write in my Bible with pencil now, I love using colorful pens and markers in my journals. I’m particularly fond of Papermate Flairs for underlining, circling, starring, defining, and drawing arrows – among other things! Frequently, I write verses in one color, notes in another, and use a third to mark key terms.
I use colored pencils to mark certain terms or phrases in my Bible as I study. For example, green underlining marks all proper place names (e.g. Judea but not ‘wilderness’). Women in pink, salvation is orange and so on. These are my favorite pencils – the lead is so smooth and doesn’t smudge too easily.
Sometimes I’ll take a break from doing my personal study to go through a printed Bible study workbook. I love, love, love this series by NavPress: LifeChange. NavPress has been faithfully leading out in discipling and producing materials for discipleship for decades. Their stuff is always great.
The last “essential” in my toolbox is highlighters – and I prefer pastel highlighters like these from Bic or Mildliners. Honestly, the Mildliners last longer, but sometimes I go with the more easily available option. I use highlighters in Bible study workbooks, devotionals, and Christian books I often read to supplement my study.