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A Goal Check-up | Review and Update Your Goals

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Did you make New Year’s resolutions? Not me. Or make specific goals of what you wanted to accomplish in 2018? I did. So now what? We are 3 months into 2018, how are you – and how am I – doing on these goals? It’s time to look back so we can move forward. It’s time for a goal check-up!

How to do a quarterly goal check-up:

  1. Find your goals. You know you wrote them down and referred to them regularly for the first half of January, then a little less regularly, and now? Now you find them again! I don’t look at my goals daily, but I have them handy when I need them. If you don’t, go find them now. Before reading any farther! NOW!
  2. Ok, now that you have your goals, re-read them and evaluate your progress. Be honest about how you are doing. One of my goals this year is to write a book. I’m about 40% though, so I’m pleased with that. But another goal is to lose weight – and I’ve lost five pounds. Yes, it’s five pounds, but in 90 days?! That’s terrible!!
  3. Determine if any of your goals need to be eliminated. It’s OK. For example, if my goal was to write a book, but I got a big promotion at work that is rewarding, maybe I don’t want to write that book this year. It’s OK to change – life is not static, and neither are your goals.
  4. After you’ve eliminated any unnecessary goals, take a critical look at the ones that are left, and reword them if needed. For example, I wanted to lose 75 pounds, but since the first quarter was a bust, I’m rewording that to ‘lose 50 or more pounds.’ It’s still do-able and a good goal, but not a too-big goal.
  5. Take the goals that are left – I have four – and map out the next three months with tasks that will help you meet those goals. Returning to my weight goal, I’ve already listed ‘accountability call’ on my calendar for the next three months – something I was lacking for most of the first quarter, so I’m hoping that will help me with reaching that goal.
  6. While you have your calendar out, mapping out those tasks, be sure to write down ‘goal review’ during the last week of June. You will have another quarterly check-up in three months!

Looking back at where you’ve been and what you’ve accomplished in the last three months may have been encouraging or discouraging. But either way, it gave you a clear view of what you’ve managed to do so far in 2018 – and hopefully an idea of how to proceed in the second quarter of the year. If you haven’t done so already, set aside 1 – 2 hours for your review and rewrite session. Use this handy packet to help you evaluate where you’ve been and determine where you’re going. The packet includes quarterly review sheets for the entire year.

Review & Update Your Goals

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